API Reference

A tutorial-like presentation is available at Examples using API, using the following API.

# Histogram-weighted Networks (hiwenet)

hiwenet.extract(features, groups, weight_method='manhattan', num_bins=25, edge_range=None, trim_outliers=True, trim_percentile=5, use_original_distribution=False, relative_to_all=False, asymmetric=False, return_networkx_graph=False, out_weights_path=None)[source]

Extracts the histogram-distance weighted adjacency matrix.

featuresndarray or str

1d array of scalar values, either provided directly as a 1d numpy array, or as a path to a file containing these values

groupsndarray or str

Membership array of same length as features, each value specifying which group that particular node belongs to. Input can be either provided directly as a 1d numpy array,or as a path to a file containing these values.

For example, if you have cortical thickness values for 1000 vertices (features is ndarray of length 1000), belonging to 100 patches, the groups array (of length 1000) could have numbers 1 to 100 (number of unique values) specifying which element belongs to which cortical patch.

Grouping with numerical values (contiguous from 1 to num_patches) is strongly recommended for simplicity, but this could also be a list of strings of length p, in which case a tuple is returned, identifying which weight belongs to which pair of patches.

weight_methodstring or callable, optional

Type of distance (or metric) to compute between the pair of histograms. It can either be a string identifying one of the weights implemented below, or a valid callable.

If a string, it must be one of the following methods:

  • ‘chebyshev’

  • ‘chebyshev_neg’

  • ‘chi_square’

  • ‘correlate’

  • ‘correlate_1’

  • ‘cosine’

  • ‘cosine_1’

  • ‘cosine_2’

  • ‘cosine_alt’

  • ‘euclidean’

  • ‘fidelity_based’

  • ‘histogram_intersection’

  • ‘histogram_intersection_1’

  • ‘jensen_shannon’

  • ‘kullback_leibler’

  • ‘manhattan’

  • ‘minowski’

  • ‘noelle_1’

  • ‘noelle_2’

  • ‘noelle_3’

  • ‘noelle_4’

  • ‘noelle_5’

  • ‘relative_bin_deviation’

  • ‘relative_deviation’

Note only the following are metrics:

  • ‘manhattan’

  • ‘minowski’

  • ‘euclidean’

  • ‘noelle_2’

  • ‘noelle_4’

  • ‘noelle_5’

The following are semi- or quasi-metrics:

  • ‘kullback_leibler’

  • ‘jensen_shannon’

  • ‘chi_square’

  • ‘chebyshev’

  • ‘cosine_1’

  • ‘chebyshev_neg’

  • ‘correlate_1’

  • ‘histogram_intersection_1’

  • ‘relative_deviation’

  • ‘relative_bin_deviation’

  • ‘sorensen_dist’

  • ‘noelle_1’

  • ‘noelle_3’

The following are classified to be similarity functions:

  • ‘histogram_intersection’

  • ‘correlate’

  • ‘cosine’

  • ‘cosine_2’

  • ‘cosine_alt’

  • ‘fidelity_based’

Default choice: ‘minowski’.

The method can also be one of the following identifying metrics that operate on the original data directly -

e.g. difference in the medians coming from the distributions of the pair of ROIs.

  • ‘diff_medians’

  • ‘diff_means’

  • ‘diff_medians_abs’

  • ‘diff_means_abs’

  • ‘exp_diff_means_norm_std’

  • ‘ranksum_statistic’

Please note this can lead to adjacency matrices that may not be symmetric

e.g. difference metric on two scalars is not symmetric). In this case, be sure to use the flag: allow_non_symmetric=True

If weight_method is a callable, it must two accept two arrays as input and return one scalar as output.

Example: diff_in_skew = lambda x, y: abs(scipy.stats.skew(x)-scipy.stats.skew(y)) NOTE: this method will be applied to histograms (not the original distribution of features from group/ROI). In order to apply this callable directly on the original distribution (without trimming and histogram binning), use use_original_distribution=True.

num_binsscalar, optional

Number of bins to use when computing histogram within each patch/group.


  1. Please ensure same number of bins are used across different subjects

  2. histogram shape can vary widely with number of bins (esp with fewer bins in the range of 3-20), and hence the features extracted based on them vary also.

  3. It is recommended to study the impact of this parameter on the final results of the experiment.

This could also be optimized within an inner cross-validation loop if desired.

edge_rangetuple or None

The range of edges within which to bin the given values. This can be helpful to ensure correspondence across multiple invocations of hiwenet (for different subjects), in terms of range across all bins as well as individual bin edges. Default is to automatically compute from the given values.

Accepted format:

  • tuple of finite values: (range_min, range_max)

  • None, triggering automatic calculation (default)

Notes : when controlling the edge_range, it is not possible trim the tails (e.g. using the parameters trim_outliers and trim_percentile) for the current set of features using its own range.

trim_outliersbool, optional

Whether to trim a small percentile of outliers at the edges of feature range, when features are expected to contain extreme outliers (like 0 or eps or Inf). This is important to avoid numerical problems and also to stabilize the weight estimates.


Small value specifying the percentile of outliers to trim. Default: 5 (5%). Must be in open interval (0, 100).

use_original_distributionbool, optional

When using a user-defined callable, this flag 1) allows skipping of pre-processing (trimming outliers) and histogram construction, 2) enables the application of arbitrary callable (user-defined) on the original distributions coming from the two groups/ROIs/nodes directly.

Example: diff_in_medians = lambda x, y: abs(np.median(x)-np.median(y))

This option is valid only when weight_method is a valid callable,

which must take two inputs (possibly of different lengths) and return a single scalar.


Flag to instruct the computation of a grand histogram (distribution pooled from values in all ROIs), and compute distances (based on distance specified by weight_method) by from each ROI to the grand mean. This would result in only N distances for N ROIs, instead of the usual N*(N-1) pair-wise distances.


Flag to identify resulting adjacency matrix is expected to be non-symmetric. Note: this results in twice the computation time! Default: False , for histogram metrics implemented here are symmetric.

return_networkx_graphbool, optional

Specifies the need for a networkx graph populated with weights computed. Default: False.

out_weights_pathstr, optional

Where to save the extracted weight matrix. If networkx output is returned, it would be saved in GraphML format. Default: nothing saved unless instructed.


numpy 2d array of pair-wise edge-weights (of size: num_groups x num_groups), wherein num_groups is determined by the total number of unique values in groups.


  • Only the upper triangular matrix is filled as the distance between node i and j would be the same as j and i.

  • The edge weights from the upper triangular matrix can easily be obtained by

weights_array = edge_weights[ np.triu_indices_from(edge_weights, 1) ]

Command line interface to hiwenet.